Chessboard Consulting is a recognized leader in providing strategic crisis resolution and union avoidance consultation. We have achieved unparalleled success in this area because we employ a positive approach that focuses on solving problems by bringing people together.
Countering Union Card Signing and Organizing Campaigns
Countering Union Negative Public Image Campaigns
Union Decertification Campaigns
Collective Bargaining Communications Support and Strike Planning
About Our Crisis Resolution and Labor Strategy Services
Has your organization been targeted by a union? A union organizing campaign or union-led negative public image campaign can drive a wedge between employees and leaders, disrupt operations, damage customer relationships, and leave a lasting mark on your organization. Responding correctly and appropriately to a union’s attack on business is critical to your organizational survival and success.
Chessboard Consulting supports clients in responding to union organizing campaigns by collaborating with each client to create solutions to the issues that are driving union vulnerability although simultaneously building the right leadership skills to meet the union challenge and take employee engagement higher. We believe in solving today’s challenges – and leaving our clients better positioned for long-term success.

Countering Union Card Signing and Organizing Campaigns
When assisting clients who are experiencing an active union organizing attempt, Chessboard Consulting utilizes an “educational” approach that emphasizes informed choice and the mutual objectives of staff and management.
Chessboard’s track record of helping clients maintain their union-free work environment is unmatched in our industry. One of the keys to our success is reliance on a team approach that involves every level of organizational leadership.
Indeed, the ultimate goal of Chessboard’s counter-organizing campaign strategy is not simply to help the client preserve their union-free status, but also to strengthen the organization so it is more successful and less vulnerable to future union organizing.
Our Other Services
Where the needs of clients always comes first.
Countering Union Negative Public Image Campaigns
In recent years, organized labor has turned increasingly to using “negative public image campaigns” or Corporate Campaigns to pressure organizations into signing agreements that facilitate (i.e., neutrality agreements, code of conduct agreements, etc.) union organizing.
Chessboard assists clients in preparing for and appropriately responding to union-led negative public image campaigns by first conducting an assessment that employs a proven methodology to gauge client vulnerability in critical areas (i.e., pay practices…” (Finish with the rest of the text in parentheses.)
Chessboard’s consultants then design a strategic communication plan that includes preemptive actions and tactical responses should your organization become the target of a union-led negative public-image campaign.
Our Other Services
Where the needs of clients always comes first.
Union Decertification Campaigns
Occasionally, union-represented employees become dissatisfied with the union representing them and may consider efforts to “de-certify” the union.
Federal law severely restricts what employers can do in these situations. However, while the law prohibits employers from instigating decertification efforts, after employees launch an effort of their own, organizational leaders are free to communicate with employees and share management’s views.
Chessboard Consulting offers services to support employers’ efforts to protect their employees’ rights and legally communicate their position during decertification attempts. As always, Chessboard’s approach emphasizes an “educational” fact-based approach that encourages employees to make an “informed choice.”
As with our other service offerings, the objective is always to promoted better understanding and communication between leadership and employees in the voting unit. We find that this approach yields a much more positive result and provides the foundation for stronger, more-collaborative relationships between employees and leaders.

Our Other Services
Where the needs of clients always comes first.

Collective Bargaining Communications Support and Strike Planning
The process of collective bargaining is extremely complicated. Unions are using complex “negative public image campaigns” to pressure clients to accept their demands at the bargaining table. When damaging the organization’s public image doesn’t work, some unions will threaten a costly and disruptive strike.
Chessboard’s approach to supporting clients in collective bargaining relies on making certain that important stakeholders have all the facts and information they need to understand the organization’s bargaining position. If this happens, Chessboard’s consultants are ready with critical communications support and logistical strike-planning to minimize disruption
This careful approach is also critical in the event the union decides to declare war against your organization and call employees out on strike. In these situations, again, Chessboard’s Consultants provide clients with support in the areas of communication and logistical strike planning.